Having one more flotilla than the enemy grants the fleet +10% damage and +5% accuracy and scales linearly with every amount of flotilla more than the enemy up to 3 more flotillas. If one combatant has more active flotillas in combat than the other (whether they started that way, or gained the advantage due to destroying enemy ships mid-battle), all of their ships gain a morale advantage, increasing their combat stats. If there are no enemy ships in their lane, they'll fire cross-lane into an adjacent lane (the Top and Bottom lanes cannot fire on each other) cross-lane fire is always at Long range. Ships will usually fire at the opposing flotilla in the same lane if possible (an especially inviting target in an adjacent lane can pull their fire). The Center lane must always have at least 1 worth of ships in its flotilla, but the Top and Bottom can be left empty if desired.Ī ship's lane determines what range it will fight at, according to the tactics cards used by each opponent. The Center lane is always open, while the Top lane requires at least 5 and 2 ships in the fleet and the Bottom lane requires at least 10 and 3 ships in the fleet. Some modules also have special effects at the end of each phase, such as restoring a portion of shields.Īt the start of combat, you arrange the ships in your fleet into flotillas occupying the three lanes: Top, Center, and Bottom. If one fleet is completely destroyed before this time is up, the battle will immediately end.Īt the end of each phase, flotillas in each lane get closer to each other, if necessary according to their chosen Tactics. Heroes have a number of skills in each quadrant that increase the health, damage, movement, or other stats of both their ship and the fleet as a whole high-level Heroes can dramatically boost the combat power of a fleet when they're in command.Ī space battle will last for three phases, each of which is 40 seconds long. If the entire fleet is destroyed, the Hero will return to the Academy for several turns to recover from their injury, during which you can't assign them. If the rest of the Hero's fleet is destroyed but the Hero survives, they'll continue commanding the (now empty besides their ship) fleet. If a Hero's ship is destroyed in combat, but at least one other ship from their fleet survives, they'll revive at end of combat with minimal health. Every hero has a Hero Ship specific to their class these take a diverse set of modules (including some unique to Hero ships) and do not add any CP to the fleet. You can assign Heroes to your fleets, and they will participate in space combat. If the attacker's fleet contains a ship with the Tractor Beam module (only equippable on Behemoths and Carrier-class hulls), the defender is not allowed to Retreat.If not, the retreating fleet will be entirely destroyed (after a confirmation dialog warning about this). If there is a starlane connecting to a friendly or neutral system, the retreating fleet will take 60% health damage (possibly destroying already-damaged ships) and begin moving toward it. The defender attempts to leave the system before being destroyed by the opposing fleet.The battle ends after the third phase, or if either side loses all their ships. When the battle begins, the flotillas fire weapons at each other across three distinct combat phases, gradually moving to optimal ranges as determined by each fleet's tactics.

Each fleet chooses a battle tactic, and distributes their ships across up to three flotillas, aided by some basic information provided about the enemy fleet's composition and effectiveness. (If there are multiple hostile factions in the system, the attacker can choose which to engage.) From this position, the attacked fleet has 2 options, fight or retreat. It occurs when an attacker's fleet chooses to attack another hostile fleet in the same system (only possible in neutral or attacker territory if in cold war with the defender unless the attacker has "Righteous Fury" law) by taking the Attack action, which causes them to automatically engage the strongest hostile fleet. Ship combat takes place in orbit around systems.